Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mind Boggling Neuro-Synaptical Destroyers

Ponder these mind-blowing statements.
What do you think?

1. If you could see through everything, you would be blind.
2. Without using any known color, try to invent a new color.
3. If time were to suddenly stop and then start again, no matter how long a period of time, would we ever know it?
4. When something gets bleached, where does the color go?
5. Can you draw peripheral vision?
6. If there was gravity in space where would all the celestial bodies fall to?
7. If everything was two-dimensional, would distant things look close?
8. If we saw one-dimensionally, everything would be a line.
9. What if your hair bled? (Want a hair cut?)
10. Since a black hole absorbs all light, is the interior of this former star, now collapsed and condensed to an extreme degree, illuminated with a brilliance of light from all the light that it has absorbed? How could you prove this as either true or false?
11. Is it possible to explain sight to a person who was born blind? How would you do it since all your explanations would be based on sight, as you know it?
12. While drawing on a piece of paper in bright light, try to use the writing utensil in your hand to outline the shadow formed by that same writing instrument.
13. Try to video tape a mirror so that when the tape is replayed on your VCR you will be able to look into the TV screen and see yourself in the mirror you filmed.
14. No matter how hard you try to think of absolutely nothing, you will always be thinking of something. (Even if you were thinking of nothing, nothing is the absence of something, therefore you're thinking of something!)
15. If you were riding in an airplane, and you sat in front of the engines, and then the plane flew faster than the speed of sound, would you hear anything?
16. If you are literate, try to look at a set of words in your language without recognizing or reading any of them.
17. Do blind people dream? If so, what do they see?
18. If time didn't exist, we'd be dead!
19. If you could travel the same speed as the rotation of the earth, but in the opposite direction, thereby always keeping the sun in the same position overhead, no matter where you were on the face of the earth, the time would always be the same.

So, any thoughts?